Sunday, February 27, 2005

Father and Son

Father and Son

You can really notice the resemblance between the two in this pix. From the eyes up, or more so from the forehead up, is a striking resemblance.

They are so cute. Matt is making a "Simon" expression.

***Tidbits from today: Church: lots of testimonies, After: Lunch with family at El Chico; After: trying on prom dresses with Nancy. After: Buying a replacement Black and Decker Coffee Carafe at Target, which they didn't have, so buying a really cheap coffee pot and ordering a replacement at home off the internet, After: Home with Simon and Matt--yay! Resting, Laundering, straightening. That's that.***

Hey, Nancy, I found those silver sandals!
Posted by Hello

Saturday, February 26, 2005

In Memory

In Memory

Christ died and rose again for this very purpose, so that he might be the LORD of those who are alive and of those who have died.

Romans 14:9 Posted by Hello

Sunshine and Rain at Once, Her Smiles and Tears

Amy, Nancy and Simon

"Sunshine and Rain at once, her smiles and tears..." I think that is a quote from King Lear. I'm not sure, but I think it is from one of Shakespeare's plays. And it's from memory so it is not verbatim.

"Sunshine and Rain at once..." Yesterday, Friday, was a hard day. We buried one of our youth members. I think that says it all. Amanda was only 15, a sophomore at North Mesquite High School...and I could write more about her sweet smile and cheerful disposition, but I will mention the most important thing: on Sunday, she was at the altar, once again consecrating her life for God and praying to find her purpose in life. On Monday night, she died at Baylor Hospital after the hit and run accident.

In the midst of the tragedy, how wonderful to know she was in such close communion to God as he welcomed her home.

Sunshine and Rain at once, their smiles and tears: Yesterday our youth buried a friend in the morning, and that evening, a group of about 40 went to the Acquire the Fire Conference. I was able to go to the evening session and was happy to see so many really worshipping God during praise and worship. Many of our youth responded to the altar call (or should we say reunion arena floor call) to either accept Christ for the first time or to rededicate their lives and "keep it real" with God. I'm proud of the youth: the ones who are interested in God, the ones who just met God, the ones who want to come back to God, and the ones who are faithful in their walk with God.

They stayed at the church last night, and are back at the conference today. I'm about to leave to visit with them during their supper break. (I can't be as involved this year because of Simon.)

Amanda's tragic and untimely death has opened up a new area of my heart--I am thankful for A God who is bigger than death--a God who offers new life both here and in heaven. I am also challenged to pursue closer relationships with the youth and to challenge them to know Christ and let Him change their lives.Posted by Hello

Friday, February 18, 2005

Seems Like Yesterday

How Time Flies

I'm just sitting here at the computer, with Simon sitting contentedly in my lap, browsing through our digital pix. I came across this one that I had never seen. I think Simon was probably about 5 weeks old here. Now he is 26 1/2 weeks old. (I just figured that out on my calendar.)

Simon and I have both changed a lot since then.

Well, I should really be cleaning, laundering, and straightening, especially since Nana (Matt's mom/Simon's grandma) is coming in tomorow. Nana, if you read this at work today, we'll see you tomorrow!
Posted by Hello

Melissa and Simon

Melissa and Simon
This was at about 10:30 last night. Simon is usually asleep at that time (see pix below,) but we woke him up for another feeding. We were a little off schedule yesterday.

It was so nice to spend time with Melissa--I could say she is an old college friend, but we're not old and college friend implies that we're not current friends, and Matt and I are lucky enough to still be friends with Melissa.

Matt and Melissa are both very musical and artsy. For example, Melissa and I get into Matt's car last night by ourselves to run to Tom Thumb, and Matt has some type of classical musical (I guess) playing and Melissa recognizes the name of the piece (Gates of Kiev?) and the composer--some Russian guy. I remember a time in college before Matt and I really knew each other, and I was entertaining the thought of matchmaking Melissa with Matt.

Life is funny like that. I'm glad that reality didn't get past my thoughts--I can't believe how lucky I am to have Matt love me! Really, I feel sorry for any other girl on the planet. Here are my top three adjectives to describe him: unassuming, okay never mind that's too hard.
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Simon Sleeping Soundly

Simon sleeping last night

Some of my sweetest moments are peeking in on Simon when he is sleeping. How cute is he with his little bottom in the air?
We took this pix last night after the Taboo rematch--Amy and Scott vs. Matt and Melissa. Scott and I didn't prevail, but we gained ground. Our loss this time was only 49 to 60. We're getting better-maybe next time!
Oh, I know I mentioned Simon has a tooth coming in, but yesterday I noticed he now has two teeth coming in! His two bottom teeth are coming in. Is it normal for 2 teeth to come in simultaneously?
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A Fresh-Brewed Life

A Fresh-Brewed Life
This pix is from Wednesday night. Our little group had lots of fun. These are some of my favorite people. I made chocolate brownie cupcakes with peanut butter fudge icing. (Melissa saved the icing from disaster.) Yummy.
There's more about the group on

Posted by Hello

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Matching Hair

Simon with Gigi

Why is it underlining?

Yes, Simon has on the same outfit that he does in the pix below. I can't believe he is almost too big for 6-9 months clothes. He has grown over 6 inches since he was born.

I just realized in all fairness, I should post other grandparent pix also, before jealousy arises. (Just kidding, mom.)

Everyone says Simon got his hair color from mom. Let me divulge two secrets:
(1) Mom's comes from a bottle.
(2) It takes two recessive genes to inherit a recessive trait like red hair, so the recessive genes come from both Matt and I--we must both have a dominant brown and a recessive red. Simon got the two little r's.

Simon with Grandparents

Simon with Nana and Papa

I am posting this picture because Nana is coming to visit this Saturday. I'm excited about sharing the new stages of Simon with her.

Having company, though, always makes me wish that our little home was not so little.

But, on the plus side, it is easy to keep clean and helps make it possible for me not to work (outside of the home.) Because let me just say, being a mom is work. Well, I do tutor about 6 hours a week for MISD and for one very special Metropolitan Bible School student.

Nana is coming in on Saturday morning. Oh, and on Wed. and Thur. evening we have another very special house guest!!! She's a traveling artist bohemian type individual (I wonder if she would admit that?) None other than Melissa en route from working in Colorado at a ski lift and visiting an artist mentor in Phoenix. Check out

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Monday, February 14, 2005

Simon's First Tooth

Simon's First Tooth is Coming In!

Well, the tooth is barely showing over the gums, but it is definitely there and definitely sharp. The tooth was discovered on Saturday morning during the ladies luncheon at church. Notice how his cute red hair is sticking up in the pix.

Happy Valentine's Day!!! Matt made me breakfast this morning before he left for work. Oh, this is so exciting, Simon's first Valentine's. I was going to buy him this V-day outfit at Old Navy, but I didn't really care for it; I think that maybe I thought it was too baby girl like. Don't worry, Simon got a new car seat for V-Day.

Oh, here is the synopsis from last Tuesday's 6 month well baby check up. Simon weighs 17.6 pounds, which is in the 50 percentile. He is 27 3/4 inches long which is in the 92 percentile. Dr.London says he is doing well: turning over, kind of sitting up, eating cereal, looking towards voices, etc.

We have to work on giving him his vitamins 4-5 times a week instead of the 2-3 that we usually do. AND....HE CAN START BABY FOOD! Dr. London suggested cereal with fruit mixed in during the morning, and at lunch and dinner he should eat the equivalent of two jars of baby food--fruits and veggies only. Still needs to have a bottle or you know what about 5 times a day, with the meals. I'm waiting a while for the food thing, I am barely getting accustomed to cereal. As long as he is adjusted to the new food schedule by the 9 month check up, we will be okay!

Oh yeah, and the doctor said we had to: take the bumper pads out of the crib, lower the crib mattress to the lowest setting, take away the beloved mobile, and get a new car seat b/c he is too long for the infant carrier seat.

I'm torn about the mobile exchange--Simon loves his mobile, and we don't use it as a sleep aid. Do ya'll think the doctor meant to take it out immediately, or by the next check-up?

Yay for Simon's first tooth!

Friday, February 11, 2005

Simon -- A Star is Born

This pix is a couple of months old--but upon recent words of affirmation, I think most blog readers want to see more of Simon--so, here he is!

I remember when we(I) was planning the nursery, I wanted to stay away from the traditional boy themes: trains, jungle animals, fire-trucks, etc. I thought the theme: A Star is Born would be perfect. I could collect some eclectic boy decor and mix it with some stars (not the twinkle twinkle type, more of the Pier I type.)

And people kept asking me what my theme was, but Matt didn't really want us to have a "theme." So, I tried to develop the theme without calling it one. I like the way it worked out, though.

Here is some info. for anyone expecting, some lessons learned:
* Don't buy the more expensive pre-packaged nursery sets that include a matching quilt, bumperpads, curtains, diaper stacker, bedskirt, etc. The quilts are a suffocation hazard and pediatricians recommend not using them. Our pediatrician just told us this week to take out the bumper pads, too, as they pose a suffocation risk. The diaper stacker doesn't hold enough diapers to be of much use. You can probably make cuter window coverings that are more unique. The bedskirt is nice, though, to cover the space between the crib mattress and carpet and to hide the space (which is great for storage.) But you don't want to spend $120 + dollars on just a bedskirt. I think you can buy those separately, anyway.
* Use the extra money to buy sheets I saw advertised in some parenting magazine. The flat panel unzips when it is dirty, and you replace it with other panels. For those of you who have changed baby mattresses, you know what a pain they can be. These sheets (I'm guessing), would take the pain out of it--just unzip around the edges. Most crib sheets are less than $10 and a real waste of money b/c you'll do anything to avoid changing the sheets. Skip the expensive bedding set and spring for these "zip" sheets which I think are around $30-$40 dollars, plus like $15 for replacement panels.

I am very thankful for a good friend, Julia, in TN. She has helped me take care of Simon and stock the nursery, from across several states, thanks to our phone lines.

Any other ideas for nurserys? I love decorating and organizing advice!!Posted by Hello

Faithful Friends

Amy, Julie, and Lynn

Julie, after you told me yesterday that you read the blog, I thought I would post this pix today. Taken at Julie's wedding (I know this is obvious, based upon her attire.)

"Faithful friends" has a two-fold meaning. (A): Faith as in mutual dedication to the things of God. (B): Faithful as in friendships that remain even the post-highschool years.

On point (A), I would like to encourage the few readers I have that are still in high school. It is so important to find friends who encourage you and hold you accountable. The right friends can make all of the difference in your life, just as the wrong friends can.

On point (B), I would like to encourage most of the readers that I have who are out of highschool. So many precious friendships are started in high school and college. I think it is important to both value and celebrate those friendships. Of course time (even months, years) will pass between visits, even for friends who live in the same region. Our lives do get filled up with committments --that's life. (One of my blog readers would reference Jane Austen at this point: "Life is but a quick succession of busy notations.")

Sometimes, though, it is important to take the time for a phone call, email, card, and sometimes a visit to keep those lines of communication open. You never know, it may be God's way of reaching out to them in a time of need.

I am enjoying the new avenue of communication that blogging has opened up for me. I still have lots to learn--for example: how to stop the underlining....?

Thursday, February 10, 2005

All By Myself

San Antonio
For those of you who don't know, Matt is leaving at 10:30 this morning for San Antonio. Brad picked him up on their way to work/school today, and they'll head out for San Antonio after band rehearsal. Why? Texas Music Educators Association conference. Kind of sounds boring, but Matt always has a good time, says he enjoys learning new things. This year, he was really excited about going.
I think I know why. No 2:00 feedings to help with. No diapers. No responsibilities. From Thursday-Mid-Sunday. A gym at the hotel--(we've been too busy this month to go to the gym for our bi-weekly challenges of racketball.) Better Mexican food. You wouldn't believe what he was worried about last night. He wanted to make sure the hotel had coffee--So he looked it up on the internet, just to make sure. Matt, you won't even need the coffee because you will be getting SLEEP!!!
I know I might sound jealous and resentful. About 1 % of me is. Truth be known, I'm really jealous of Brad who gets the undivided time with Matt that I would love to have. (Don't worry, I'm sure Brad does not feel the same way.)
The other 99% knows I will miss him and I feel sorry that he will miss all of the cute noises, faces, and hugs that Simon will give. Matt woke Simon up a little early this morning, just to hold him and love on him before he left. I don't know if I could leave Simon for even one day. I would think too much about the little things I might miss. The cute smiles and laughs. I want to pick him up from his morning nap, just thinking about him.

Posted by Hello

Monday, February 07, 2005

Nancy and Amy at Denny's

Nancy and Amy at Denny's
I am posting this picture, even though it has nothing to do with today's blog entry. I think this is a funny pix of us--it wasn't posed, that's really how we were looking at our menus!

I have lots to tell! Yesterday (Sunday) we didn't go to church because we were feeling poorly. Today Matt didn't go into work, either. He is planning to go to school tomorrow, though. Why do we feel better? Because a super thoughtful family brought us shut-ins some yummy beef and vegetable stew and cornbread (and orange juice and kleenex).

Thank you, Pecina's! It was so nice to come in this evening and have a home-cooked meal! Very comforting.

Tomorrow is a very special day. Simon has his 6 month well baby visit. is mine and Matt's seven year anniversary from when we started dating!!! I mentioned that to Matt a few days ago, and he said, "We still do that?" Yes, we still acknowledge that! I think that maybe, just maybe I (we) forgot last year, in all of the pregnancy stupor....

Mine and Matt's first date was to The Boiled Frog (a New Orleans type restaurant) in the downtown part of Chattanooga. Matt had shrimp gumbo and I was too self-conscious to eat... I'm sure I feigned lack of appetite, though I did have cheesecake for dessert!

So, tomorrow, I have plans to make shrimp gumbo. I bought shrimp, okra, onion, bell pepper, sausage, and tomatoes today. I think we have rice.

I changed the template of my blog to one that had a space for links. Now it's easier for me to cross-reference blogs.

Posted by Hello

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Simon in his Playard

Simon in his Playard
Here is an update for all of you faithful bloggers. Our little family is sick! Simon has a sad little cough and sneezes, but seems to be on the getting well side. I am feeling under the weather, too, but after childbirth, my pain tolerance has increased, so I am only slightly setback. Matt is sick, too, perhaps with the flu or some sickness that hits suddenly with a vengeance. So, that's that. The above picture was taken only a few hours ago. Posted by Hello

Caleb -- Only One Week Old

Caleb S. --One Week Old
On Thursday night, Matt and I went to visit Joe and Allison.

We got to see little Caleb! He's so cute and tiny and he makes the cutest little noises. Hopefully, we'll be seeing more of their family.
Posted by Hello

Friday, February 04, 2005

Sarah Will Kill Me
Sorry, Sarah! I'll delete it soon.
It made me laugh and I think it will provide the same
effect for others! Posted by Hello

Peek A Boo!

Peek A Boo
Who am I? Post guesses as comments. Winner gets nothing.Posted by Hello

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Ladies Clothing Exchange Opens

Ladies Clothing Exchange Opening Night
The inaugural event went by without any weird hitches. What is it and how does it work?
Ladies drop off clothing donations at church-- professional work, church, or school attire.
It gets hung in the former ladies' bathroom on the former daycare hall. (I will eventually have them sorted by size!) It is open the first Wed. of every month--from 6-7 p.m. and 8-8:30 p.m. No fine print; ladies just come and take 1-2 (or 3 must haves.) You don't have to bring clothes or return the clothes back later. It's just a fun way to be good stewards of what God has given us and a way to provide people with free apparel. Especially good for those changing sizes rapidly, be they expecting or losing weight (or gaining weight, I guess.)

I had fun helping people find cute clothes! My favorite was the red sweater ensemble that went out to one of my favorite people.

Thank you, Ufford and George for the construction labor!
Always taking donations...just a reminder!!!
Posted by Hello

Bethany a.k.a. Scrabblequeen

Bethany a.k.a. Scrabblequeen
Check out to see the
brilliant musings of Bethany.

Quote for the Day:
Jane Austen's books, too, are absent from this library.
Just that one omisssion alone would make a fairly good library
out of a library that hadn't a book in it." Mark Twain

any comments?
Posted by Hello

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Simon, Before Bath and After Dinner

Simon after Dinner
Parenting is not always neat and clean.
Notice the Gerber Rice Cereal and the
brown goo ( his vitamins--Polyvisol)

Quote for the day: "There's nothing either good
or bad, 'tis thinking makes it so."

This is from Shakespeare's Hamlet. It may be
slightly paraphrased, as it comes from memory.

What is your response? Please post as a comment.
Posted by Hello

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Long Lost Shirt

Long Lost Shirt

Lisa just came over to drop off some clothes
for the Ladies' Clothing Exchange at church.

Luckily for me, there was my favorite grey shirt
in the sta
sh. Bethany borrowed the shirt during our
visit to Hell House in 2003! The weather turned bitterly
cold while we were waiting in line. How ironic.

Trivia Question: Whom did our youth group run into
while waiting in line? Please post your answer as a comment.
Posted by Hello

Simon Says Hi!

Simon Says Hi!

How could anyone not smile when looking at this pix?
Simon cannot actually wave yet, though we are working
on it. Simon is such a happy baby! Sometimes, it's hard
putting him to bed at night because it's more fun to play
with him! This morning, his uncle Scott is coming over
and will stay here during his morning nap (8 - 9:30 ish),
so I can do some work up at the church. I think I'll get more
done without Simon there to distract me! It works out great
because we live right on the way to Scott's school!Posted by Hello