Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Gerber Baby

Should be the Gerber Baby

I know all mothers must feel the same way.

This pix was taken on Friday, Feb. 25th. Simon is starting to feel better. We've pretty much finished the bottle of Infant Pediacare Decongestant Drops. The last 2 nights he has slept over 10 hours, which is more where he should be. Also, his naps are more regular. I don't know how he can take 2 naps that are about 1 1/2 hours long and another nap anywhere from 45-1 1/2 hours and still sleep at night. But I am thankful.

I bought some homeopathic teething tablets last night. My friend Lisa used them with her son Jacob and they worked well. Solved the irritability and sleeplessness. So, just in case, I have some...

We finally have the new car seat in use--the one the doctor ordered. I'm thinking about keeping the infant carrier base installed, too, because I have several friends who either just had babies or who are going to have them soon. I think a minivan with an extra car seat would be a good ministry. Moms need to get out sometimes.

Sarah's computer has a virus, if anyone is wondering why she hasn't blogged in oh so long.
Over and out.


Hello World said...

Hey Amy! We didn't talk much yesterday. Thats unusual. Gotta go.

Hello World said...

This is Mom still contemplating what my password is. He is even cuter than the Gerber baby. I have him right now at my house sleeping. Do you know how hard it is for me to put him to bed when I'd rather make him laugh?