Simon has been a trooper this month. We were gone for two weeks to Georgia (pix to come from that soon) and we were home for only two full days before leaving for Huntsville, TX for a GFA retreat!
The second pix is of Simon, right before throwing mulch at Bro.K.P.!!
Simon "roomed" with Timmy. Debi and I had the two bottom bunks and it was sweet to see their playpens touching. Sweet..and a little scary. We wondered if we would get any sleep at all. The first night was a little funny and borderline rough as they swapped sounds and noises but eventually they wore out. The interesting feat was changing Simon's dirty diaper in the middle of the night and then braving the short, but in the middle of the night in the woods small treks can be a little scary, trek to the garbage can in the middle of our cabin "circle."
The next night was awesome. We weren't tired and decided to let the boys battle out their bedtime solo, and we took the monitor out to the front porch and sat in the rocking chairs. We were joined by Dorinda, Ingrid, and the Buscemis bearing Smores ingredients!! AND, the boys were prob'ly asleep in 10 or less minutes!!!!
Simon loved our long canoe ride. He kept entreating, "FISH, WHERE ARRRREEE YOU?"
Simon has been a pretty flexible little guy the past few weeks; though, it is nice to be home and be in a routine for another week or so before Matt goes on a support/camp trip and Simon and I camp out at Pops and Gigi's new home during that week.
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