Thursday, August 17, 2006

Doctor Visit

Simon had his 2 year well-baby exam today. The other pix are right after he woke up from his nap. I love his 2 1/2 hour naps--I'm able to get so much done!

Doctor visit: So thankful for Simon's health! No big surprises with his percentiles--Simon is still approximately in the 95% for height and the 75% for weight.

As much as I like Simon's pediatrician and office staff, I left today hoping that we don't have the 'pleasure' of seeing them for a long time! His next well-baby (I guess it might now be called a well-child) exam is when he turns 3. (Wouldn't that be something if we went through winter with no doctor visits?)

Simon and I are going to the library this morning on our way to a "playdate" with Benjamin and Josiah. The "playdate" is really an excuse for me to visit with Beth! Maybe I'll remember to take a picture ...

This month is going by SO fast! Pretty soon we'll be heading on the road to spend a week's vacation with Matt's family!
I had a dream last night that Simon climbed out of his crib again. We're just trying to keep him in it until we're back from out-of-town. One more vacation with the security of a restricted sleeping place would be nice!

Matt hasn't left Texas since our support trip in March and I know he is really looking forward to our road trip and beach visit. I hope we remember to check on tropical storms before we go! We've never been anywhere in September before, since the school year always started back in August; I think that we had so much time off with teaching that we kind of took breaks for granted. Consequently, I think we are learning that sometimes less is really more--that you take more pleasure when you only have a week off than when you have 10 weeks off. Maybe:)

Speaking of less being more, I really need to clean out our closet! I always see such stream-lined closets in magazines and secretly hope that they are as fictional as the airbrushed models. Can closets really be that simple?

1 comment:

Corey, Kelly, Alex, Blaize said...

Wonderful pics. :)