Monday, April 17, 2006

My Harvest and Feast

Celebrate with me the creation, survival, and then dietary death of my first fruit of the garden labors--a strawberry! Before there was just a plant. Then a strawberry! MIRACULOUS! Then I ate it very slowly with the help of a fork and knife!

I just watered the vegetable and flowers outside. We're blessed with a shady backyard, maybe too shady for much vegetation, but we will see! The squash and cucumber plants have pretty yellow blooms on them this morning, and I saw some type of budding on one of the tomato plants!

Matt transplanted some bamboo from a friend's backyard, though it doesn't look like it will take; he plans on trying again in the fall which is the best time to plant bamboo.

Yesterday, it was a week since we had to say goodbye to Sarah and a week till we get to say hello to Matt's mom, coming in for a visit! Sarah, you'll be happy to know that the plants are all still living! Thanks for your artist's rendition of our garden landscaping; it is coming in handy!

Easter is one of my most favorite times of the year! We really deserve death, but because of what Christ did for us, we are able to have new life in Him and to daily live the abundant life, free from the bondage of sin and law!

Matt and I joke that Simon is trying to start a new Easter tradition of his own! Let's just say that he was up at 3:30 Easter morning and was quite sick. He got to get his 3rd bath of the day at 3:35 a.m. It was definitely the sickest he has been in the 2nd year of his life. Last year, he started the tradition by also being sick on Easter 'Eve'--the sickest night of his first year of life. (Bronchialitis) I had to hold him most of the night to help him breathe/sleep. Thanks for the sweet tradition Simon, that definitely makes the bond stronger as a family!

The bonds created in a sleep-deprived night are some of the strongest bonds ever!

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