Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Puzzles R Fun

Tonight was the April Fellowship Banquet at Church.

I am so tired. I don't know why I don't go to bed. Every Wednesday night, without fail, Matt and I are so awake. I guess it didn't help to stop by Starbucks on the drive home...

Oh, so I had fun helping with the Banquet. I went up to the church last night and made way too much dessert. That's okay, we have some for BIGDAY on Saturday--(come on CMC, what is up with BIGDAY, is the title like a joke or something?)

The FUNNEST (I know that's not correct English) part for me, was watching so many struggle over the crossword puzzle I made last night. hee hee hee. I love making puzzles. I know Ashley will laugh when she reads this, because she already thinks that it is really weird that I love making flyers.

My favorite clue was: Couch potatoes' lair squared

Yeah, so some people suggested quite coldly that I must need to get a job or something. They told Matt to find me a job. Alan wanted to inflict harm. I like the way Alan and Connie are so competitive. I think it makes people FUNNER.

Since my grammar is starting to fail, I will end this post.

Posted by Hello


Amy said...

oh, so the clue: couch potatoes lair squared had the answer of "twenty-five". There are five couches (the couch potatoes' lair) and five squared is, well, you know

Amy said...

five couches total in the church, not in one place.

Hello World said...

I like potato chips... That was the hardest crossword puzzle ever

Hello World said...

I like potato chips... That was the hardest crossword puzzle ever

Amy said...

Katie, I'll admit Matt had to help initially, or I would be like Sarah's blog and have no pix. I don't know how people like Ashley and Bethany figured out how to use scanners and such. I couldn't even plug one in.