Monday, November 05, 2007

At Home

Simon seems to enjoy having "Baby Ebby" around. He was trying to play peek a boo with her the other day. And then he was 'tickling' her yesterday. He's told me several times that Baby Ebby is beautiful. And when Matt was playing with Evie today, blowing on her belly and teasing her, Simon got upset and said, "Don't eat my baby Ebby." Of course, Simon has seen Evie nursing so he is thinking now about those things. When I put Evie in front of him on his lap for a picture he got upset, thinking that baby Ebby might "eat him", too!

We have lots of pictures of Evie in front of the sun as part of her jaundice treatment. The hospital had us go for a two day release check up on Friday and her bloodwork still showed high levels of billirubin, so today (Monday) we had to go back and her numbers were down from 15 to 12.2, so even though its still high, the numbers are going down and all we have to do is keep up the sun treatment. I think it just looks like she has a nice tan, but evidently that's the jaundice combined with her olive complexion.

When we came home from Baylor last Wednesday, the big lighted stork was in our front yard! Apparently it is passed around to celebrate new babies within GFA.

Evie sleeps all of the time! It is a challenge to keep her awake for a full feeding. We have subjected her to ice water, ice cubes, and even those don't always work. I know that anyday she might "wake up" and decide to exercise her lungs more, so we are thankful for these sleepy days.

Night feedings are reminding me about sleep deprivation. We kind of feel like we are sleepwalking during the day sometimes.

1 comment:

Gigi said...

Pops is really getting anxious to see this baby girl! We've been admiring her beautiful photos tonight!