The top pic of Simon's oatmeal is right before I let him stir in his toppings (brownsugar, raisins, butter) He exclaimed, "Mommy, that is beautiful!" Very sweet. So, I snapped a pix of my masterpiece cereal creation.
His encouragement continues...We were all sick last week and are still recovering this week. One night, Matt and I were crowded on Simon's twin bottom bunk bed with him giving him good night attention, and Matt laid his hands on Simon's chest and prayed for him. After he prayed, Simon said, "Good job, daddy."
Simon has become more verbal in the last week; Matt and I have both noticed an increase in his dialogue, both with just himself and his toys and with us. So, that's lots of fun to hear his voice, pronunciations, and general perspective on life.
We can't seem to find Matt's jump drive and Matt thought this morning it might be in a pair of his pants ... possibly one of the two that I threw away a couple of weeks ago. It was quite releasing to see the pair of khakis and gray slacks that were faded and threadbare go in to the garbage (they weren't fit to donate, even though Matt wore them each at least once a week to work!) So, hopefully they didn't go down with our jump drive as well...That would have been worth donating...and keeping!
There is something about pregnancy (not sure if this is true) that makes me have a heightened sense of smell. Part of the problem I had first-second trimester was with smells...Well, its back. Must take a cycle. I think I can smell dust. Weird, but I think its true. I guess I need to dust more. Maybe that's what Simon and I will do today...
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