Sunday, May 07, 2006

Gardens and Flora and Blooms, Oh My!

The reason I included so many photos of Simon from the Arboretum is to share his adorable little facial expressions! I can't believe how precious he is! Maybe one day I figure out how to post audio on here, and then, I can also share how precious it is when he talks!

One cute idiosyncracy about Simon is that he will (sometimes) automatically put his toys up where they go. It's so cute because it is so mature. For example, he might be in his room playing and I ask him to come with me. He gets up to grab my hand, but then looks at his hand and realizes he has something in it that belongs in his room--not outside. So, he will walk over and put it up and then walk back to me and grab my hand! One day the vacuum cleaner was out, and he had taken the dusting attachment out and was 'dusting' with it. I told him it was time for us to go outside and he ran the other way which is very unusual if the word 'outside' is mentioned. I looked and there he was in the utility room, putting the dusting attachment exactly in its place on the vacuum cleaner. And then, he toddles back to me to go outside. Isn't that precious?

I've been listening to C.S. Lewis' Screwtape Letters on audio. It's been several years since I read the book, so listening to it is almost like reading it for the first time.

It's been a long time since I asked for post responses, but I was wondering, who has read the book and what they thought of it. Or if anyone wanted to just share what they are reading that would also be interesting to read. So, comment, comment, comment, fellow readers of print!


Hello World said...

I don't read a whole lot Amy. C.S Lewis could probably be accepted to the cannon if someone tried so 2 thumbs up from me

Corey, Kelly, Alex, Blaize said...

Wow what a precious bunde of joy! Can't wait tos ee you guys. Keep praying for Alex. He is still really sick, but hopefully on the upswing. Love ya'll.
