Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Kelly and Alex

Alex will be 2 weeks old this Thursday! I love this picture. Matt just showed me how to 'borrow' pix from Corey's website--otherwise, we would have posted pix of Alex ages ago! I shouldn't say Matt 'showed' me, because actually I left the computer while he did the borrowing so I could pour myself another bowl of LIfe cereal and 2% milk. Ah, what a combination. Normally, we drink skim milk, but since switching Simon to 2% milk (an hour ago), I treated myself to the 2%. I think Life and Quaker Oat Squares are the only two cereals that require a higher grade than skim.

Back to Alex...I know we were all SO surprised to see that he has red hair! Look, he has rosy cheeks in this picture.

AGHH! Pray for me that I don't become crazy packing Amy this week. We are packing for a long road trip and those who know me well know that my crazy psycho self usually takes over right before a trip. Seriously, it is the #1 most stressful thing to me. Honestly, I have dreams/nightmares about packing. This scenario varies, but usually I just realize we're about to leave and I have only 30 minutes to pack or a similar scenario. It's never about me getting to a destination and realizing I forgot something--just about packing. I am trying to be more laidback this time around. So far, so good. I'll give you an update later if it's favorable to me. If not, you'll just have to ask Matt...

Packing memories:
Dana packing for my trip (senior year) to Galveston because I was lying on the bathroom floor (sick.) Sick from a virus, not from packing...I'm not that crazy.
Kellie Hill packing for me twice. Once for Christmas and once for Canada. I wasn't sick those times--just a typical case of packing paralysis.
I don't know who packed for our honeymoon. I think it was Kelly, Kellie, and Mom...? If no one confesses, then it is the first miraculous intervention for packing of which I've ever heard.

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