Monday, January 16, 2006

Weekly Talk

"It would be curious to discover who it is to whom one writes in a diary. Possibly to some mysterious personification of one's own identity." ~ Beatrice Webb

Hmm, and I would add, to whom one writes in a blog.

I have pulled out my trusty quote journal that has been sorely neglected. Here's one perfect for the holiday:

"If a man is called to be a streetsweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven played music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great streetsweeper who did his job well." MLK, Jr.

Friday night I was able to watch Pride and Prejudice (A&E Version) with some girlfriends from GFA. Although I have seen the film several times (usually when I am sick,) I always enjoy watching the story unfold between Mr.Darcy and Elizabeth. I do question the casting for Jane, though, since she is supposed to be the beauty-endowed daughter and really Lizzie is much prettier. I also noticed for the first time how much Mr.Bingley looks like Mr.Tumnus (Narnia.)

From the book-

"A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment."

"She is a selfish, hypocritical woman, and I have no opinion of her." (Ah, Mrs.B.)

"Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us."

End of P & P Quotes.

I am so happy that we live right on the greenbelt. It's so nice to look outside our window and not see other homes immediately. One could almost imagine not being in the city (were it not that we can also see a Taco Bueno sign.)

Sunday was nice. Uncle Scott came over and shared the day and three consecutive meals with us. I don't think we've ever had him over for 3 consecutive meals before. Church was nice. Weather was nice. Nice. Nice. Nice. And my nap was ... nice.

I forgot to mention Simon's first haircut by Matt on Saturday. The pix I posted isn't great as far as the dribble on Simon's shirt, but I was trying to show a view of his haircut. Simon was intimidated by the electric clippers (though he has been fine before.) I think it helped him to also see Matt cutting Matt's hair with the same clippers. Regardless, I don't think he'll be sitting still the next time.

Simon is saying more words!!!! It's rewarding to hear him repeating words and being more toddler-like. A milestone for us was buying Size 5 Diapers for the first time. But the 4's still fit so it's kind of a grey-milestone.

Or maybe a milepebble. :)

Here's hoping that my weekend plans come through! The weekend kicks off early with a GFA Ladies Meeting Thursday night. Shay and I are celebrating our January birthdays this Friday with dinner and a movie. And she might stay over. And sleep in the 'spare room' or 'spare uuum.' Tentatively, Lisa, Bethany, and Jake are coming over mid-Saturday for lunch and a visit. A GFA wedding shower Saturday evening. And we're going to get to go to Wesleyan this weekend and have lunch with the folks! They might have a semi-remodeled kitchen by then which will be fun to see.

That's a lot to look forward to. We just need to carve out some Matt and Amy time sometime. I hope that isn't too selfish.

I enjoy reading people's online journals that are rambly and surface level (like mine) and I also enjoy reading the short and sweet ones and the spiritually deep ones. For me, though, for this season, I have peace to keep up the rambling and family vignettes.

So, you'll have to forgive me for not sharing the really important things coming to my mind. Things that last. Things of the Lord. You'll have to actually talk to me sometime! Or read my prayer journal. OOOH, you better not do that. Seriously. Off-limits.

But I'll end with my absolute favorite discovery of the week---

I've often told people that John Piper discipled me through his books, tapes, and teaching. Well, on his ministry's website, you can download sermons for free and they also encourage you to burn them on cds if you like and to pass them on to other, as long as you don't alter the audio. It looks like most of the sermons available are from Romans 12. I memorized that chapter a few years ago, and b/c of that, it's some of my favorite scriptures because it is really embedded in my heart. I've listened to the sermon based on the verse "Abhor Evil, Embrace Good" and it gets two thumbs (way high as the movie reviews read.)

So, I'm really taking my time cleaning the kitchen in the evenings so I can listen to more audio teaching. That's no promise to see a clean kitchen, by the way!

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