Sunday, January 01, 2006

Pending Delay

One of my New Year's Resolutions is to be more consistent with my blogging. Blogging is my way of journaling our life and I need to ask google is they could sell a "Blog Album." They could publish all of one's blogs and bind them together and make some money. And save me the time of putting together another photo album and journal.

I know my last post was full of excitement about Sarah coming, but it actually didn't work out this time. Maybe we'll be first in line for the Spring Break calendar (?) The plane ticket can be changed and sometimes enjoyment delayed is more fun. (Besides, Sarah, Simon is really sick right now. I won't give details, but trust's not a pretty sight.) He is happy though and somehow able to sleep despite a racking cough.

I'm listening to the new David Crowder CD (A Collision.)

We decided to stay home this Sunday and let Simon's body heal. I also gave him some decongestant, antihistamine, and expectorant so we'll see...

1 comment:

Amy said...

The resolution is now specifically revised to be mean weekly updates are exceptional and bi-weekly updates are satisfactory, and monthy updates unsatisfactory.