Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Splices and Spices

We have had a super productive day already.  Evie woke up at 5 a.m. with a high fever, I gave her tylenol and actually took her temp at 6:30 (after holding and rocking her)
 - she was so cute and holdable.  
So, it went down to 100.2
Bonus:  Matt went for a jog this a.m.
I read lots.
I wanted to blog because today is one of the days I'm sending our laptop with Matt (and I won't have a computer so I must blog now) so that I won't be tempted by it.  Though it brought me a good John Piper sermon yesterday while I folded laundry, more often than not, the computer can be a time waster, so Matt takes it for me a few days a week.
Our landline has been down three days now so I am going on a verizon-induced media fast.
My digital camera, however, is in Evie's room with lots of new super cute pictures on it.
So, I stole some appropriate photos from our friend's The Rizzos blog.
These pictures are from a Comedy Night we hosted a while back.
This picture of people laughing is a great time for me to interject the main focus of my blog today.  Simon has been saying some hilarious things that I better blog before I forget.
Matt and Simon play the "Question Game" sometimes at night instead of a story.  Basically, you get to ask a question and the other person answers it.  
Simon's Question Verbatim:  "Why does bad stuff appear in my nose?"
Seriously, he said appear.  So funny.
Disclaimer:  I am to blame for some of the things Simon might say.  I publicly confess that on Monday night Simon heard me say, "I can't take it anymore."  He's heard me say it before, I'm not incredibly proud of it, he's probably even heard me say darker things.  But it's real.  If you've had those days then you understand.  If you haven't had those days, then come offer to keep my kids sometime, please.   They are the greatest; I just forget sometimes and a little time away usually helps me remember!
All of that to say that Simon now likes to say, "I JUST can't take it ANYMORE!"

And after church on Sunday we asked him what he learned in class.  His response:  "Nothing.  That church is IMPOSSIBLE."
Not a catch phrase of ours, honest.
Some pictures just have to be posted twice.
Oh, I picked up one of those Amish Bread Starters last week.  I don't know if I'm doing it wrong.  It seemed weird to add milk yesterday and still leave it on the counter.  
And the bag is expanding and now looks like it might explode.
By the way, I have a nike + link on this blog that doesn't work.  It doesn't pick up any new progress so it makes me look even less active than I am.  It's supposed to be linked to my ipod somehow.  


tony and teressa said...

I can't wait until Ava starts talking. Your Simon quotes crack me up!

Elicia said...

"Don't hate me because I'm white."

Hahahaha!!! This made me laugh alot.

And for the Amish bread stuff,you can open the bag and let some of the air out. That's what Megan told me to do when she gave some to me. It is kind of weird that you let it ferment like that, but it tastes REALLY good in the end. Trust me :D

Summer said...

Simon is hilarious!

The fear of the rotting milk in a baggie was what prevented me from grabbing some of the starter kits. But, I'll be happy to eat some once you've proven it's non-toxic. :)