Sunday, August 10, 2008

After Pictures

This is Simon AFTER his friends left on Wednesday.
Don't worry, he cheered up fast.

This is a fried peanut butter and banana sandwich.
I was going to make onion rings for an Olympic party we were having (opening ceremony.)
Good thing we did a trial run on those onion rings the night before.  We'd borrowed a fry-daddy type appliance and gave it a try.  But, I couldn't handle the grease smell.  Matt for some reason decided to make the above sandwich -- not sure what possessed him.

Anyway, so instead of making onion rings to represent the Olympic Rings, I went to the other end of the health spectrum and cut up colored bell-peppers instead.

Simon wanted to write JESUS.

Simon being creative with the carrots.
He said, "Look Mom, I am a rhinocerous."

Mom:  Simon, what you doing?  
(In reference to him picking up my purse and putting it on his shoulder)

Simon:  I'm pretending to be a mommy.
(then he picks up a sword)
A mommy that fights people.
If people are scared, I will protect them.
(the purse fell off his shoulder and kind of around his leg)
Oh, no!!!!  It got me!!
Help, Help!
(then he 'destroyed' the purse with the sword)

The other afternoon at nap Simon wanted a story from the Bible (he chooses from stories centered on the fictitious Johnny that lives on White Oak Mountain, Batman, or the Bible.  The Bible doesn't usually win)
He wanted to hear about Daniel in the Lion's Den.  He loves the part where the lion can't get Daniel.  I asked him to tell me the story instead.  This is what I got.

Simon:  Once upon a time ... I don't know anything.   Mommy, you tell it.

He is also fascinated with Ninevah and how there were "bad people" there.  He wanted me tell him the story the other night as I was feeding Evie her veggies, and I couldn't remember what happened after Jonah obeyed and went to Ninevah.  I forget the sequence of events and how Jonah handled mercy, etc.  So, it was kind of sad that I had to ask Simon to go get me a Bible so that I could finish the account of Jonah !

I find it funny and amusing to read people's comments and reviews on Amazon.  Who are these people?  They will review ANYTHING.  
For example, sometimes I buy groceries on Amazon.  Weird, but strangely enough for some items it is actually less expensive, with their incentives and free shipping and discount ---

I was floored when I saw that someone had posted a review on RITZ Crackers.
I had to click on it, and here it is:

"This is a reliable cracker to have on hand for snacks -- either by itself or with toppings on or with it."

Dad was tightening up Simon's tricycle, but this picture looks like Dad is about to go for a ride!

These are a couple of pictures from the very end of our stay with my parents.
The other morning Simon woke up right after I came inside from watering the plants.  That prompted this discussion.

Me:  Simon, if you wake up one morning, and I'm not in my room or in the kitchen or in the living room, guess where I might be ...

Simon:  I don't know, where?

Me:  Outside.  But you can't go outside, just sit right here on the couch (pointed to a spot on the couch) and wait for me.

Simon:  (taking it literally -- where I had pointed)
That's small.   (it was just a small square)

Me:  Well, anywhere on the couch.  You can just sit here and then in a few minutes, I would be back inside.

Simon:  Mom, if you wake up and don't see me .... I might be in the mountains in Georgia.

Me:  How would you get there?

Simon:  I would run fast.

Simon loves these books.  
Mom treasure them also.  
My father's father picked these out for us when we were little, which is why mom treasures them so.  She even wants to get one of them rebound because the binding is loose.

The next three pictures show the progress we made with the picture project.  All of the photos are in their categories, awaiting the purchase of albums.  At our leisure, we will systematically put the photos in albums!

More picture proof of progress.
We went to the Beth Moore live simulcast that weekend!  Mom, Tania, and I went with a group of 20 or so ladies from Keystone.  And, my sister in Georgia was attending the same event at the same time at a church there!  

I was inspired and motivated to sign up for a Beth Moore Bible study (Stepping Up:  Psalms of Ascent) that starts in a couple of weeks at a local church (Prestonwood)  

I love Beth Moore studies ( though I have a love/hate relationship with all of the homework).   They have recreational activities for ages 3-5 and 'really' have Bible study time with them, too!  .Good practice for Simon for school or preschool.  Evie will be well taken care of, and we'll get practice being separated.  So, it's a win, win, win for all of us!

The other night Simon was scared.   I walked him back in the room.  And he said, "Mommy, pray for me....Pray for me while you scratch my back."
Classic.  He LOVES a back scratch and is very specific in the technique also.  He'll say, "No, like this" and show you how to scratch his precious little back.

By the end of this play session, Matt and Simon had used EVERY block as part of their creation.  It was a "cheese factory."

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