The pix of him checking his mail was around Valentine's Day. Next year maybe I'll remember to put a valentine and gift in there!
I love the pix where he is running and right behind him you can see the orange hazard cones.
He has a block that he says, "like a hammer," when he picks it up. When he saw Pops working in the kitchen, Simon went to get his "It's like a hammer" block.
Lately Simon has been crying out once or more (usually more) at night. We've gone in there to check on him since he has had a cold and we don't want the crying to escalate to gagging. As soon as this cold, passes, though, it's back to 'tough love' during the night. We keep thinking maybe he has an earrache or just feels miserable, so we go in there and usually just a few words and a nudge back in the pillow direction get him back asleep.
WELL, last night around 3 I went in there when he was crying and his eyes were closed, he was sitting up, and he said, "Cook?" in the middle of his crying and then "Cake." So, we can either take this as a sign that he is hungry at night, or that he dreams fitfully about eating cake and cooking. (He loves to wear his "cook" clothes which are aprons or even overalls.
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