Sunday, November 12, 2006

232nd Post

This is my 232nd post. Hmmm...

In January, it will be two years since I joined forces with Blogger.

We have begun making Simon take his naps in his pack n' play. Less freedom at naptime is a good thing for him. There were two days this past week, before I began putting him in his pack n play, that he stayed in bed for 3 hours during nap, but didn't sleep. He just played -- not with toys or books, but with his pillow, jumping on the mattress, and opening and reopening the ends of his bed (futon.)

The pix of him in the hat and with a red nose is right after FRIDAY NIGHT'S FOOTBALL GAME. Matt took him to a home game at the school where we used to teach. i was able to come after half-time (I took Nancy out to dinner to give her a break from mommyhood --Nancy lives just down the street from where we used to teach.) When Nancy and I got to the game, Simon and his friend Chloe had broken out of their shells and were just dancing with the band! Chloe's dad is the band director, and we were all sitting right at the bottom of the band. Simon and Chloe faced the band and just jumped, danced, and head-banged everytime the band played! And they would actually do the cheer motions with the cheerleaders, too! Oh, it was the cutest thing and I was SO SAD that our camera was in the van. It was cold, though, so we left before the game was over, though we heard that THEY WON! That is the only time I have ever been to a game where they won.

The pix of Simon and two other toddlers was taken on Friday with his friends Hudson and Lorena. We had gone to a park earlier that day and then they came over to eat lunch with Simon, too. When Simon woke up on Saturday, one of the first things he said as he walked around the house was, "Rena?" (Lorena.) It's fun that Simon is beginning to have regular playmates and playdates.

Simon is becoming so articulate and verbal; it is so precious and sweet to hear him say the commonest of phrases. Sometimes I am surprised at how diverse his vocabulary is. He might see a picture of something in a books, and he'll say the name of it and I will think, "When did he learn that word?"

1 comment:

Hello World said...

Hey Amy!