Friday, October 20, 2006

My Little Man

The train pictures are from Barnes and Nobles. I want to try and take him to storytime there one Saturday morning with Matt! I think that would be much fun. I was at the libary with Simon on Monday night and one of the moms suggested taking Simon to Barnes and Nobles. The little girl at the libary was 3 and kept calling Simon her "little brother."

I think Simon looks a bit like a train conductor in his overalls.

Last night was Simon's last night in his crib at home. We plan to put him in a 'big boy' bed this weekend. We are also painting his room and then switching his room to the guest room and the guest room to his room. Confusing, but we think it will work better for Simon's needs.

I became a little sentimental while putting him down last night. Had it not been for the company who was over, I think I might have had a little cry. Thankfully, his pajamas still make him look like a little boy.

I was reading "Love You Forever" to him this morning, and all of my 'pent-up' tears from last night had a release. Really, that book is a little overly sentimental and creepy in my right state of mind, but in my motherly stupor, I just weeped and sniffled like a hurt toddler. (In referring to the books, the song that the mother sings to her son is okay, but the idea of her driving across town with a ladder strapped to her car so that she can break-in to her grown son's apartment to rock him and sing the song while he is sleeping IS a little over the top. Ah, but that is what sells.)

Here is the song or lullaby lyrics:
"I'll love you forever.
I'll like you for always.
As long as I'm living,
My baby you'll be."


Simon gets all snuggly on the guest room bed with his favorite stuffed animals. Ah, life without lamby would be sad! Coming in second, for Simon's affection, is Snoopy (pronounced Stoopy.)

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