Monday, April 11, 2011

Early April 2011

Snaggle-Tooth Pirate
Apologies for the delay in a new post.
These new pictures are from Matt's parents recent visit.
Pirate Princess
Runaway Pirates
Joyful Pirates
Scott and Tania
Pops and Papa
Walking into church this Sunday
(It used to be a grocery store.)
Evie after church.
Watching race cars at the Texas Motor Speedway on Fan (free) day
We're not really fans, but it was interesting to peek into a subculture.
Simon LOVED watching the cars FLY by, and it was quite a sight.
Fort Worth after dinner
We ate at Riscky's per Kellie's suggestion .... thanks, Kellie!
Patiently awaiting barbeque
Nana and Simon
Matt's parents with David Platt and his wife Heather
David shared an encouraging message with the staff at Gospel for Asia last week.
The week before we were also encouraged by Francis Chan sharing at GFA.

Matt's parents home in Ringgold
(I am stealing all pictures from their camera)
Simon is losing teeth weekly it seems

1 comment:

Hello World said...

Isn't that Matt Chandler patienly awaiting Barbeque behing Simon too?