Thursday, March 06, 2008

Current Favorite Song (Going on a Year Now)

"Jesus Paid It All"
So this has pretty much been my favorite song for over a year now. 
If you have a few minutes, indulge yourself in worship :)

I just realized John Piper's "hedonistic" Christianity is really embedded in me (by the word induge).

Oh, be sure and pause the music 'box' on the left-hand side of the blog before playing the video.

The artist's name is Kristian Stanfill just in case you "need" to buy the song on itunes. It's only 99 cents! You can kind of see Chris Tomlin in the background on guitar. 

Funny story: I looked up the song on itunes because I wanted to "gift" it to a friend. Apparently only certain songs can be "gifted." So, I am posting the song so she can hear it this way. Anyway, when I searched for "Jesus Paid It All" one of the itunes artist that came up was Josh Bales. A former college acquaintance of mine and former church acquaintance of Matt's. Small world.

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