Bike Ride Last Saturday...notice the cute little bike helmet with clouds that matches the bike trailer! Sorry the exposure is off...technical difficulties.
SkipperIt looks like Simon is saying, "Can I help you, ma'am?"This is a boat that our good friends the Taylors gave Simon for his birthday. They gave it to him when we saw them this summer in Tennessee. Simon LOVES the boat--on land or on water!SIDEBAR:Have you ever read Corrie ten Boom's The Hiding Place? In it she shares how God miraculously never let her bottle of medicine run empty until she did not need it anymore. And then there's the story of the widow's oil in the Bible.
Well, you've heard all of those stories and they may seem so remote. But we have Sam's Brand Plastic Wrap (Saran Wrap.) I promise we have been using the same box/roll since we were MARRIED over 5 years ago! (I am not necessarily contributing this in all seriousness as a supernatural work of the Lord. I also buy different fun boxes with different colors from now and then and so there could be a logical explanation.)
My friend Lisa thinks the Lord blesses them through appliances that just never give out. I can't claim that one since our over the range microwave went out in July! Now, that was a lesson in patience. What better appliance to take from someone less skilled in patience?
Does anyone else have a widow's oil or saran wrap blessing?
This pix reminds me of the cover of Revolution in World Missions. When we were at Edisto Island this summer, there was a new bookstore/coffee house that had a box of New Testaments by the door for free. A sweet Christian couple owns the place, and this is their first season to have it open. They probably opened it up after retirement. I had the opportunity to give a copy of Revolution in World Missions to the lady/owner who was making my cup of java. I told her a little bit about it, and she told me how her Sunday School class was sponsoring a missionary in Haiti. I suggested she might read the book and consider putting out a box of these 'free books', too. She said she would pass the book along to her husband, because 'he was the one who ordered the bibles and put them out there.' She was really nice about it, and I never had the opportunity to follow up with her husband because I never saw him there. (I do know that he exists, though, because my cousin Sarah took Simon there once for an afternoon visit. While she was reading on the porch, the man/owner brought out a toy for Simon as a gift. It was a little blue beanie baby. Sarah thinks he felt sorry for her, thinking she was a teenage mom, but she was too embarassed to explain that Simon wasn't hers.) So, let's pray that the wife did pass the book along to her husband, and that he would be willing to pass these books along, too. I'm sure that many believers visit the store, and they probably have a little bit more time on their hands for reading since they would be on 'vacation.' Who knows, maybe the little island store could be instrumental in the Great Commission.
Hey, I'm just wondering...I know we've been passing out a lot of copies of Revolution in World Missions, and I know a bunch of our teens got a copy at Acquire the Fire...So, I'm wondering if any of ya'll have read it and what are your thoughts???
If you're wondering what I'm blogging about, you can click on a link on my blog for a free book and all of your questions will be answered!
The RescueSimon's boat capsized, and it was so eerie to see him floating and sinking for a second. But not really scary because Matt was right there and grabbed Simon right up. This is the second after the rescue. I was out of the pool with the camera in my hand, because I was videotaping. (Not the accident, but just before, I was taping the calm boat ride.
CUTEY PATOOTIE!Simon had his one year well baby checkup last Monday. Yesterday, he began running a fever from all of the shots. (It can take a week to ten days for the ramifications of the shots to set in.)He is in typical good spirits, so it can't be that bad.Okay, his height is in the 90 percentile; his weight is in the 60th percentile. That's about all I remember from the visit. Oh, we started him on whole milk. It's so wonderful to pass by the $16 cans of formula at Target!
Maybe we'll go on a family bike ride tomorrow and I'll take a pix of him in his blue bike trailer! We fitted him for a bike helmet yesterday at the bike shop. (I am the classic rule follower. I even avoided the helmets at Target and WalMart like his doctor recommended. Surprisingly, the helmet at the bike shop was only $1 more than the ones at Target.)
From left to right: Ashley, Bethany, Amy
The Battle of the BannersPictured here is the jaded Matt P. He thought he would be the only one bringing a banner to baby Simon's party. (His handiwork, with the extra embellishments of sister Ashley, is located in the top right quadrant.)Shay, the only person I know who brings her own birthday banner to every birthday party, brought her Pottery Barn Kids Banner. An undercurrent of celebration rivalry emerged.
Is this normal? Only my dad would use industrial clamps at a toddler's feeding station.
I feel really awkward when I haven't blogged in awhile. Kind of like the awkwardness of when you've waited to long to return a phone call. And you secretly hope that when you call that person that you'll get a voicemail, answering machine, or best yet, it just rings (but you know they have caller-id and so you're off the hook) Ha ha. Off the hook.Interesting info:Whoo-hoo our home showed twice this week so far! That's an answer to prayer because I prayed that the Lord would just bring someone to see it, to give me hope! It's been officially on the MLS for almost two weeks now.